Groundhog day passed (my favorite holiday next to Arbor Day) and the real PHIL saw his shadow. I am OK with that because this winter has been remarkable and I hope that my weather friend BARB will have some insight for us soon.
Jersey GIANTS won the super bowl and they state 'world champions' but don't you have to compete internationally to be called that! USA champs heck yeah, no. Congrats..but Buffalo will make their comeback.
Movies...I need to borrow the Help from my daughter when I am done listening to the 15 CD disk set of the book. The audio is awesome (movie in my head)! Watched the 'American' version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and it inspired me to continue with my passion of researching and also to get my 2nd tattoo (soon)!
Back to Goals....2/22 is the "Lent" season start for most Catholics bu since I have been attending a Lutheran Church for the past 10+ they believe in the 'give up something for lent' thing?
Shout out to a friend "will the 22 days to make a new habit" trick really work? I want to try it but....
Bedtime now and crossing my fingers I can avoid the snooze button tomorrow!
You can do it! Stick to your goals and soon the habits will be so second nature you forget they ever started as goals! Always love reading your posts - keep it up!