is a time that most children try to postpone and then there is a time when the teenagers don't want to get out of bed and as adults we wish we could stay in bed but we have to take care of the kids, house, kids take care of themselves (mostly) and house...well it will always be there. Bedtime has turned into a chore in its own. That old cyber story (emailed to many people) is true...I don't just decide to go to bed but in the process of saying I am going to bed things get completed...not that I am a saint or successful at household maintenance...but that is the deal.
Now...I dread bedtime. The dread of the things I didn't accomplish today (there is that missing TO DO list), the pending list for tomorrow, the phone calls I should have made (I love you Mom) and hopes I may fall deep asleep (hehehehe, doesn't happen).
I have to admit I am still that kid that dreads bedtime. My mind wakes up (weird) at dusk and wants to play (like my sweet dog)

So another night watching the clock saying..."I'll go to bed in 10 minutes"....over and over.
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