Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursdays...what to do on a Thursday

well according to my horoscope
This is a day to use however you wish. Like the middle square on a Bingo card, it can be utilized in any way that suits your purpose. But keep in mind that the universe doesn't hand these days out so you can waste them on boring detail work that would be better suited for another time. Cherish this time and use it to tune in to people around you. Spend the day sharing philosophies and expressing your feelings. Whether they are good or bad, your inner thoughts deserve a public hearing.

I can do anything today!  Well, I may do just that...I choose to go to work and finish resizing photographs for the website gift store.  Since the Museum's physical gift store is closed in preparations for construction (it is strange seeing it EMPTY) customers can still cyber shop and the director has put on some awesome Winter specials! is your quick link to easy shopping for everyone. Since the Museum is a non-profit your purchases help keep the doors open and the lights on.

I get to come home right after work and have a family meal.  I think I will make a Turkey inspired casserole to use up Sunday's leftovers. There is a light layer of white stuff outside but thankfully it is just that...light dusting. Have a wonderful & inspiring day!  Maybe I can work on Christmas cards tonight (to try & get into that Holiday spirit).

Does the new white can for Coca-cola taste different than the red can?  Curious.  What is your opinion?

1 comment:

  1. I need to get my Christmas decorations out! They're all down from the attic and our tree is up with lights on it but no ornaments. After that I will probably do some office work. Eggs for supper tonight (we have one night a week egg night since the chickens are all laying!)
    My daughter bought that white can coke and I keep thinking it's diet. Don't drink a lot of pop (or soda) around here...
