Sunday, November 13, 2011


Sorry about missing yesterday. I was at Walnut Grove doing a table decorating event.  The table turned out great and the number of women & men that showed up for the event was wonderful.  I even won a raffle basket (of course it had a bottle of wine in it).  Theme for the table for "The Grapes of Wrath" but didn't have anything to do with the book.  Mostly grape dishes, wine, cheese & crackers.
Good luck deer hunters on the last day of open season for rifle.  Be careful out there.
Sundays.....three perfect things to do on a Sunday: Church, watch Football and that order.
I am not sure what to make for lunch/supper today but took a beef roast out for starters.
My Buffalo Bills play Dallas today so I'll be watching the live stream on and listening via Buffalo, NY's great Rock Station.  It will be a great day!
Read any good books lately: No, but I listened to a Sandra Brown audio-book "Play Dirty" and it was wonderful. Not I have to find another audio-book.
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Dinner? You're one step ahead of me. I have no idea what I'm making today.
